Song of Songs 3:4 - ...when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go...
That Bible verse was in our wedding program. Today, May 25th, is our 10 year anniversary so in honor of 10 wonderful years of marriage...
10 things you may or may not know about us:
- We started dating when we were 15 years old - October 8, 1995. It took Greg a lot of nerve to ask me (over the phone) to be his girlfriend and my reply was "Why would I want to do that? (Complete silence) I'm just kidding!"
- We've owned 10 cars since we started driving:
Greg - 69 Ford Falcon, Mighty Mouse truck, Bronco, Gold Jeep, Yellow Jeep, Ford F-150 Supercrew
Me - Big Red (81 Chevy truck), Celica, Pathfinder, Sequoia- We've had 5 pets while married. Toby (male Golden lab - no longer with us), Smokey & Ashes (female sister cats - no longer with us), Chewy & Squirt (female Chocolate labs - sisters)
- We've lived in one apartment, and we've owned two houses ... at the same time ... but hopefully not for long.
- We love the numbers 2 & 5. These numbers seem to show up in the strangest places: hotel room numbers, bank account numbers, 25 diamonds in my wedding ring, we got married on 5/25/02 at 2:00pm (our choice of course), and the latest Parker was born on 2/2/12 at 2:02pm in delivery room #5.
- It took us 15 months to get pregnant with Bailey, zero months to get pregnant with Lou, and 5 months to get pregnant with Parker.
- We've played on the same coed soccer team for 10 years, every Sunday. We always said that no matter how many kids we have or how poor we get, we will always set aside time to play soccer together. I wouldn't really call it a date because he plays defense and I play forward, but we do enjoy playing on the same team and talking in the car to and from the game.
- We both want to go to Ireland someday.
- One month after Bailey's first birthday and five days after we found out we were pregnant with Lou, Greg was laid off from his job (I was working part time). That layoff lasted 13 months and it allowed Greg time to go back to school for a second degree. During that layoff, I continued to just work part time while Greg went to school full time and we did not pay one bill late. We put our faith in God and He provided for us.
- If you see Big Bird stuffed animals around the house, they are mine, not the girls. :) When we were dating, we were talking on the phone pretty late one night when we got caught by Gregs mom. She asked him who he was talking to and, without skipping a beat, he said Big Bird. It stuck! I actually have a stuffed animal Big Bird that I've had for almost 17 years.
Dear Greg,
10 things I love about you:
- You think I'm beautiful even on my fat days.
- You truly are my best friend.
- You work hard, full time so that I only have to work 3 days a week because we both know the importance of being a positive physical presence in our girls lives.
- You are very patient just like your dad was.
- You are an amazing father to our girls.
- You make me want to be a better person, better wife, better mom.
- Almost 17 years ago, you invited (and then had to convince) this Baptist girl to visit your Methodist church. You brought me back to the God I once knew and we've been going to church together ever since. I can never thank you enough for this.
- You put up with my nagging perfectionism (I think I just made up a word).
- You fully support me no matter how crazy some of my ideas may be.
- You love me for me. And for that, I love you more than you'll ever know.
Here's a little throwback. Our wedding song: "I Don't Want to Go" by Avalon