My Family

My Family

Thursday, September 15, 2016

We are Priceless

While driving to get my haircut today, I heard the song 'Priceless' by For King and Country and it got me thinking, Someday, someone will hurt our girls' feelings. It will happen more than once, for whatever reason, and it will have the potential to cut deep. Our girls will feel less-than, and in this moment they will be changed. And, my heart will hurt because I wasn't there to protect them. When that day comes, I pray that they will be surrounded by uplifting friends and that they will see this as a teachable moment. Or, maybe they'll punch the person in the face ... sorry, honest mom slip ... I digress.

When the song ended, I was hoping that I would remember these lyrics for when that day finally comes. I told myself that I would play this song for our girls to remind them of their worth. Then I thought, if I print some of the lyrics (in bold below) and hang them on their walls today, then, when the day comes, they will already know their worth. They will already know that they are loved. They will already know that words hold power, and they will give grace. So, today, these lyrics are going on their walls even though our middle daughter is still learning how to read and our youngest can't read yet. For now, I will read it to them because the message is that important. And each time I read it, or sing the song, it will sink in a little deeper for me as well. We're all Priceless.

If you want to hear the whole song, Click Here. A portion of the lyrics are below. Enjoy!

"Mirror mirror, mirror on the wall,
Tellin' those lies, pointing our your flaws,
That isn't who you are.

It might be hard to hear, but let me tell you dear,
If you could see what I can see, I know you would believe,
That isn't who you are,
There's more to who you are.

So when it's late, you're wide awake, too much to take,
Don't you dare forget that in the pain, 
You can be brave, you're safe.

I see you dressed in white,
Every wrong made right,
I see a rose in bloom,
At the sight of you (oh so priceless),
Darlin', you're beautiful,
I see it all in you (oh so priceless)."

Friday, April 22, 2016

Is Your Burden Light?

" burden is light." A burden is defined as: a load, especially a heavy one. If that's the case, then how can a burden be light? Especially a heavy burden? 

Most of you followed my year of cancer prevention surgeries in 2014. If not, you can catch up by reading here. That was a TOUGH year, and I rejoiced when it was over. However, I wasn't expecting the recovery to be so slow. I thought after 4-6 weeks from my final surgery in Nov 2014 that all would be back to normal. That wasn't the case. Healing from three major surgeries takes time. My hormones were shot. I sought council from friends who had walked my journey, and I was told to expect to feel normal one year after the final surgery. So, Nov 2015 was my target "let's feel awesome" month. You  know what, that time came and went and I didn't feel awesome. My motivation to exercise and get back on a running schedule took a back burner to exhaustion. But, how can this be? It's been one year. I SHOULD be normal by now, right?!

Among healing, we were recently dealt two other heavy burdens...

In April of 2015, we found out that our dishwasher, which had been purchased brand new when we bought our house in 2012, had been leaking under our kitchen cabinets EVERY time we ran it (most weeks this was daily) and mold was growing under our cabinets. Mold was growing for THREE years. This was a heavy burden. This finding lead to a full year of fighting the manufacturer for repairs to our kitchen. This manufacturer was not concerned with our families health or that mold was found in the air in each of our girls rooms. This fight was brutal. It was more of a David vs Goliath story (1 Samuel 17:1-58), and we were not backing down. There were days that I didn't want to check my email because I knew it would shake me, and I would have to choose to continue fighting for what I knew was right or to accept the meager offers coming our way. Anxiety overload. Although we didn't share this battle publicly, I'm thankful for the army of friends and family that fought this battle with us. I'm thankful for lawyer friends who helped give us the words we needed to respond to the inconsiderate emails from the manufacturer. I'm thankful for the small businesses that came into our home for multiple air quality tests, repair quotes, more repair quotes, and the actual repairs. I'm thankful for the wisdom that came from unexpected sources. I'm thankful for perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:4). This case was finally closed in April of 2016. Yes, this month. One year from when it started. Burden.

In Sept 2015, five months after the dishwasher battle started, an old back injury reared its ugly head. In college, I injured my lower back during volleyball practice and a bulging disk pinched nerves in my back and sciatic pain was running down both of my legs. I generally feel my back "go out" a few times a year and one adjustment with a friend of ours who is a chiropractor, makes all things new (Rev 21:5). Unfortunately, I felt my back go out the day before we left for an amazing Caribbean Cruise, so the pain quickly got out of control before I could get in for an adjustment. Upon returning from vacation, I sought chiropractic care, PT care, had an MRI, and a cortisone shot. After visiting with my back surgeon again today, we're trying a second shot next week. Sitting in front of another doctor, discussing another surgery, is not my ideal place to be. Haven't I suffered enough? Hasn't my burden been carried long enough? Hasn't YOUR burden been carried long enough? 

Friends, I share these burdens with you to let you know that we ALL carry the weight of the world on our shoulders at some time or another. Sometimes we're given more than one burden to carry at a time. So, how do we endure? By coming to the one who says my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:9). By coming to the one who offers healing (Luke 8:43-48). By coming to the one who offers hope (Psalm 42:11). 

Life is hard. Be kind to others. Find your tribe. Find your army. Find the ones who will stand up and fight for you when you need to be still (Ex 14:14), and don't ever let them go. To my army. Thank you for carrying the burdens of my family. It's been over two years of burdens and you're still standing strong. You're still going to battle for us, and we are forever grateful. Forever. Grateful. 

To our army, I leave you with these lyrics from "More Than You'll Ever Know" by Watermark...

"Something brought you to my mind today
I thought about the funny ways you make me laugh
And yet I feel like it's okay to cry with you
Something about just being with you
When I leave I feel like I've been with God
And that's the way it ought to be...

'Cause you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
'Cause you've spoken the Truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've been on your knees for me
Oh, you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know

You had faith, when I had none
You prayed God would bring me a brand new song
When I didn't think I could find the strength to sing
And all the while I'm hoping that I'll
Do the kind of praying for you that you've done for me
And that's the way it ought to be...


You have carried me
You have taken upon a BURDEN that wasn't your own
And may the blessing return to you a hundred fold" 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rhea Lana of Broken Arrow - It's almost time!

This event is for YOU, if:
  • You like to find HIGH quality items at LOW prices
  • You're pregnant
  • You know someone who is pregnant
  • You have kids/grandkids (up to the teen years)
  • You know someone who has kids/grandkids
  • Did I cover everyone?!

The Broken Arrow Spring/Summer Rhea Lana's Children's Consignment sale is coming April 16th-20th! I seriously LOVE this event both as a Buyer and as a Seller! This will be my eighth time to consign with RL of BA and I can't stress enough how simple the process is. If you're new to RL and you would like to consign with them, then please click Here to learn more. If you've consigned in the past, then you probably already know that the database is open, but just in case you missed the news, you can click Here to start entering your items. 

What sets RL apart from other Consignment Sales?
  • Consignors make a minimum of 70% (up to 80% with Referrals)!
    • When you refer three new consignors, who each consign at least 25 items, you will receive 75% of your total sales!
    • When you refer five or more new consignors, who each consign at least 25 items, you will receive 80% of your total sales!
  • Your items are guaranteed! Meaning, if you show up on Pick-Up day and they don't have an item that they should have, then you get paid as if the item sold!
  • The average consignor makes around $380 per event!
  • For the first time in the consignment industry, they offer VOICE ENTRY option via Smartphone! This is a time saver and game changer!
  • You can watch your sales LIVE throughout the day!
  • The consignor fee is only $9.00
  • Admission to the sale is always FREE, so tons of shoppers come through the door 
  • Consignors/Volunteers are invited to the Pre-Sale on April 15th (before the doors open to the public)
  • Your check is ready on Pick-Up Day, April 21st

What items can you Buy/Sell at this event?
  • Sundresses, tank tops, shorts, capris, pajamas, swimwear, sandals, flip-flops, indoor/outdoor toys, baby equipment, furniture, DVD's, books, shoes, nursing items, teen clothing, maternity clothing, and much more. They will also accept lightweight jackets (no coats), lightweight pants, khaki pants, jeans, and long-sleeved shirts that are "spring like" in fabric and look.

  • The Spring 2016 Event will be held at 1421 W. Kenosha St. in the Rhema Ninowski Rec Center

  • Directions: 71st Street, East of Aspen (145th) at the blinking light.
  • This location has a TON of parking and every item will be located in the same building. 

This blog is just a small bit of information about the sale, so please click Here to learn more about volunteering, marketing, donations, etc. 

Also, feel free to contact me with questions, or you can contact the owners of the BA event, Debbie ( or Kristin ( Debbie and Kristin are amazing and they treat everyone like family! So, why not join the family and consign today?! 

I'll see you there!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Girl Talk: A Bossy Tattletale

This showed up on my Facebook TimeHop this morning. Perfect timing. As always. Last night I was brushing Bailey and Parker's hair before bed when Bailey started bossing Parker around. I asked her to stop. It led to her say that some kids at school call her bossy. A few more words were spoken and she started tattling on Parker to turn the topic away from herself. I asked her if the kids at school also call her a tattletale ... she took off to her room crying. Mom fail? Maybe. Maybe not.

Moments like these are why Bailey and I established Girl Talk. It started a few years ago. It wasn't put into place on purpose, but it quickly formed a much greater purpose in our relationship. Some nights Bailey initiates Girl Talk and sometimes I do. Tonight was my turn. I crawled into bed with her to calm her down and talk about the situation. Just me and her. Open. Honest. Raw. Good, heartfelt conversation.

We discussed how she sometimes acts bossy to her sisters at home, which leads me to think that she might be bossy at school. We established the difference in being bossy and being helpful. It's a fine line. She's a very smart girl. I was smart at a young age and I was also called bossy a time or two. Shocker. I know. Unfortunately, at that age, it's not a compliment. It hurts. Being smart is a good thing, but I want her to recognize that not everyone matures at the same level. Honestly, some never do, but that's another blog altogether. She liked hearing that I could relate, and that I'm here for her ... as an understanding ear, but also as a mom who offers correction.

She also shared with me that some of the kids call her a tattletale. This is also a trait I see at home so I can only assume the same goes for school. Again, we discussed the pro's and con's. 

Like this picture states, I want her to actually tell us when it's something that we truly need to know. But, if there's no blood, no one is harming her, and no one is harming themselves, then she needs to address the situation with the person that she's tattling on. For example...

Bailey - "Mom. Lou stuck her tongue out at me."
Me - "Instead of telling me, go tell Lou that you don't like when she does that."

Problem solved. Well, no, it's not that easy, but we're learning. Bossiness and tattling take practice. They're so easy to do, and so hard to contain. But, I have faith in my girl. After all, I turned out OK so there's certainly hope for our little Leader. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Girl Time

Family & Opportunity. The two words that I chose for 2016. More Family time. More Opportunity. Last weekend, was the perfect Opportunity to spend time with Family...

For Christmas, we gave my four older nieces an invitation to get professional makeovers at my house. My Mom (the whole thing was her brilliant idea) and I wanted to pamper them. Simply love on them. To slow down, hang out, and enjoy each others company. After all, we rarely get together except for birthdays and holidays even though we live in the same town. Busy schedules. Busy lives.

The girls came to learn about the importance of skincare, the yucky things to look out for in their cosmetics, and to get pampered with a professional color matching makeover. Thankfully, I happen to know an amazing, long-time friend that was more than willing to teach them everything she knows about skincare and make-up since that's not my expertise (go figure). I'm so thankful for this friend. She took time out of her busy schedule to love on my family. What a blessing. By the way, I so wish I had known these tips when I was younger!

We started with face washing and then applied a 10 minute Intense Hydration Mask. While waiting on the mask to sit, I shared tips that I've learned since starting my Arbonne business. Like the importance of buying products without mineral oil, parabens, toxic chemicals, and fillers from rendering plants (they were completely grossed out with this fact so I felt that my work was complete-Ha!). Again, all things that I didn't know growing up, but that are so very important.

After 10 minutes was up, they rinsed their faces, exfoliated their lips with Tahitian Coconut Lip Smoother, applied a Day Creme with SPF 20 (another important tip), and then prepped for make-up. My friend did a great job teaching them how to color match their foundation with the inside of their wrist, how to properly apply eye shadow/ mascara/ eye liner, and letting them know if they are a warm, neutral, or cool skin tone and how to stay in their color range when buying make-up.

Beautiful family. Beautiful girls. I'm excited to watch them make their mark on the world. I gave each niece a new set of make-up brushes, a hand written note telling them how special they are to me, and a pendant that says "Inspire" on one side and "2016" on the other. I challenged them each to find someone in 2016 to Inspire. They could give the pendant to that person or keep it for themselves. We all have the capacity to Inspire someone and to call out their greatness. We are all made to be great! Love you girls!

Monday, January 11, 2016

If the Entire World Says NO...

Have you ever had a great idea, or felt led to do something out of the ordinary, that gets you really excited? You know, something that truly makes your heart soar? You mull it over, doubt yourself, pump yourself back up, mull it over again, doubt yourself again, pump yourself up again, and then you share it. Palms sweaty, voice uneasy. You share the idea with someone ... and they tell you that it can't be done. The oxygen leaves the room. You're deflated. If we're honest, we've all been there. You may have even tried to convince yourself that it can't be done.

Some people can move past the comment of "it can't be done" and some people cannot. I want to encourage you to do what you're called to do no matter how different it looks to others. We are unique, and we're all called to do things according to our individual strengths. If we always agreed then everyone would have the same hair style, live in the same style of house painted with the same colors, wear the same clothes, drive the same car ... you get the point. We're different. That's what makes us amazing. We have different gifts to share with the world. Don't let someones negative comment steal your joy. A wise friend once told me that, "Many people will speak to you, but only a few will speak through you." Meaning, don't let negative talk penetrate your heart. The only thing that will penetrate deep into your heart is what YOU allow in. 

The following is an excerpt from my daily devotional and it speaks volumes. 

"As a young boy in school, Henry Ward Beecher learned a lesson in self-confidence that he never forgot. He was called upon to recite in front of the class. He had hardly begun when the teacher interrupted with an emphatic, "No!" He started over and again the teacher thundered, "No!" Humiliated, Henry sat down.

The next boy rose to recite and had just begun when the teacher shouted, "No!" This student, however, kept on with the recitation until he completed it. As he sat down, the teachers responded, "Very good!"

Henry was irritated. "I recited just as he did," he complained to the teacher. But the instructor replied, "It is not enough to know your lesson; you must be sure. When you allowed me to stop you, it meant that you were uncertain. If the entire world says, 'No!' it is your business to say, 'Yes!' and prove it."

The world says, "No!" in a thousand ways. And each "No!" you hear has the potential to erode your confidence bit by bit until you quit altogether. You just need to be bold enough to say "Yes!" when the world says "No!" God is for you, and with Him on your side you absolutely cannot lose."

-The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer

In case you didn't know: Henry Ward Beecher (June 1813 - March 1887) was an American Congregationalist clergyman, social reformer, and speaker, known for his support of the abolition of slavery, and his emphasis on God's love. 

Next time you encounter a resounding "No!" I hope that you will respond with a "Yes!"

Friday, January 1, 2016

2016: What's Your Focus?

It's January 1st. Like I said in my last post, there's something magical about the start of a new year. It's brings Hope. It brings Opportunity. It brings Evaluation. It brings Change.

The picture above is our Blessing Jar. We started this tradition three years ago, and each new year we get to look through our "blessings" from the year before. What started as a small mason jar that first year, has grown into a large, beautiful vase. Why did I think a mason jar was big enough to hold our family blessings that first year? I needed to dream bigger (receive bigger) and allow room for growth, for abundance, for more blessings. I want Malachi 3:10 blessings over here: "...and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." Can I get an Amen!!!

The beginning of the year also brings about another tradition that we started a few years ago. We choose One word to focus on for the year. In 2014 it was Peace, and in 2015 it was Freedom. Both of those words rang true for us in those years. Toward the end of each year, I spend time in prayer seeking out that One perfect word for us. Well, this year, it was Two words. I'm either breaking tradition or "expanding my mason jar" because I couldn't shake these two words: Family & Opportunity. Here are the verses that I've found to stand on in 2016.

*Acts 10:2 - He and all his family were devout and God-fearing; he gave generously to those in need and prayed to God regularly.

*Acts 27:13 - When a gentle south wind began to blow, they saw their opportunity; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore
*Galatians 6:10 - Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people
*Ephesians 5:16 & Colossians 4:5 - make the most of every opportunity

I love how the verses that I came across not only focus on Family and Opportunity, but on helping others. My heart is to serve and I pray that I can serve well this year in whatever direction I'm called. After all, these beautiful faces, my Family, are counting on me and they deserve the best Opportunities this world has to offer...

I leave you with another one of my favorite quotes ...