The picture I chose for the blog reminds me of Lou. Every time we're in the car she says "hit the music guys!" It's the cutest thing ever. We also pray each morning before we turn on the radio so now she says "hit the prayer guys!" We love that girl!
It's finally Friday. The last day of the work week. I thought this day would never come. This was my first week back working full time since Bailey was born four years ago. I have to admit it, I'm exhausted.
We are really busy at work so I agreed to work full time in June and July to help us get through the busy grilling season. Thankfully, because we are so busy, the work part of my day goes by quickly, but I miss my girls. A lot. It's hard to be away from them 5 days in a row. I'm used to being there more often, playing with them, disciplining them, napping with them (I really miss that one), kissing their boo boo's. It's hard to come home at 5:30pm, and then squeeze in making dinner, playtime, and baths before putting them to bed around 8pm. That's just not enough time. Then I spend the rest of my evening doing chores around the house until I go to bed. And how it is that all three of the girls sleep through the night (10-12 hours) until this week? One, if not two of them, have woken up every night this week. Oh well, at least I get to see them one extra time. :)
To my parents: THANK YOU for watching the girls while I'm working full time. I know that this is hard on both of us for different reasons. You have no idea how much we appreciate you. Pops and Weasey are the BEST!
To all the full time working parents out there: Well Done. Way to work a full time job and then come home to be a full time parent, house keeper, chef, laundry service, dishwasher, etc. It's hard to be away from your kids, but we do what we have to do to get by in this world. So, like the picture says, start your day with prayer and make each day awesome!