My Family

My Family

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And baby #3 is a ???

Ok, that wasn't fair. We don't find out for another 10 days, but I'm fairly certain that baby # 3 will be a boy. I have to be honest though. I was 99% sure that Bailey (girl) was a boy and also 99% sure that Lou (girl) was a boy so I'm not really good at this guessing game.

Here's what I do know:
  • My first two pregnancies were a breeze. They weren't perfect by any means, but much easier than this one ... so far.
  • This time around, I had nausea ALL day from approx weeks 7-12. I never actually got sick, but at times I wondered if I would feel better if there had been an end result to all of my nausea. I couldn't cook at home because I would be grossed out by the meal before it was time to eat, and I couldn't eat at the same restaurant for a second time. I was afraid Broken Arrow and Tulsa would run out of eating locations before I got past that stage. So glad it's over!
  • Weeks 12-14, I had vision issues. So much so that I talked to my OB about it and even made an appointment with my eye doctor. I was told that, with my contacts in, my vision was better than 20/20. Diagnosis: hormones. It's true, I could see (as in read things) fine, but when I went from looking at one item to the next, it would take me a few seconds to adjust and refocus on the new thing I was looking at. This was a little disturbing while driving!
  • Weeks 14-16, headaches. My vision seemed to be improving, but was being replaced by daily headaches with 2-3 of those (a week) resulting in migraines. Let me just say, migraines are NOT fun when you are pregnant because all you can take is Tylenol. For me, Tylenol just doesn't cut it. A friend suggested caffiene to calm the headaches. I don't drink pop because of my hypoglycemia so I would fill a nalgene bottle with half unsweet tea and half water. I think it did the trick.
  • Weeks 17-now, vision issues are paying me another visit. This time around is not as bad, but I'm still having issues almost once a day. Thankfully, it's not all day anymore!
  • Last but not least, I should be napping right now, but I'm wide awake. I try to lay down when the girls do (on days that I'm home) just so that I can be rested enough to keep up with them. I LOVE sleep! This afternoon, I napped for about an hour and woke suddenly. I knew the girls would still be napping for another hour so all I had to do was fall ... back ... asleep. Not going to happen. This pregnancy has had its fill of waking multiple times a night and suddenly waking from naps unable to fall back asleep. I guess I'm getting ready for all those night time visits when the baby arrives.
So, all that craziness leads me to believe that baby #3 is a boy. Will I be right? We'll see (if I can focus on the ultrasound screen)...

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