We kicked off the day by surprising the girls and taking them to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D! Not only had they never seen a 3D movie, but they had never been to the theater. For the most part, the movie was a success. Bailey LOVED it and sat still most of the movie with her 3D glasses on. Lou LOVED it and walked around near our seats most of the time and wore her glasses about 5 seconds. She also had a few crying spells (because it was lunch time and nearing nap time), but we kept those pretty much under control. Thankfully the rest of the audience was young kids and parents of young kids so they could relate. Still, we didn't want to be "those people" so we had to excuse ourselves from the theater one time.
After lunch and a short nap, we had our friends and family over to the house for Lou's party. She got a LOT of great gifts and clothes! I have to admit, it's hard having a kids birthday right after Christmas because she just got loaded up on a lot of Christmas presents and then we have to turn around and do it all over again. Never mind the fact that in a few weeks, we will have two kids with birthday's right after Christmas. Let me just apologize now to our friends and family!
Here are some party pics:
Thank you to all of our friends and family that came to the party! It means a lot that you would take time out of your day to celebrate with us. We are VERY blessed!

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