We started our festivities at home painting pumpkins. The girls were more than thrilled to get their hands dirty ... I mean paint!

Our next event was at our church's Fall Festival. Bailey really got into "Trunk or Treating" this year. Lou was just happy following Bailey around until she realized that people were putting candy in her basket. Then she got more excited.

We ended our fun last night Trick or Treating in the neighborhood of our good friends, the Chesser's. Their neighbors know how to go all out. We saw kids being carted around on golf carts, trailors, in the back of trucks, etc. We also saw multiple "tailgate" parties with plenty of food, fun, decorations, and even a big screen with the Monday night football game playing.
There were also some "scary" houses. I did my best not to voice my concern with some of the decor because Bailey was oblivious to the fact that she could be walking into a potentially frightening experience. We'll never forget the Michael Myers house. The kids (ages 3, 2, and 1 years old) were suppose to walk into the foyer of a dimly lit home to grab some candy out of a bowl being protected by a man dressed as Mike Myers with a big knife in his hand. With a little prompting from the dads, Bailey (age 3) and Cole (age 2) were still hesitant to reach for the candy. Lou (age 1) had a tight grip on Greg's neck as she said "no dada, no dada." It was then that Mike Myers slowly lowered his knife behind his back, grabbed the candy bowl, and moved it toward the kids. They grabbed their candy and took off. What a great moment!

We hope you had as great of a Halloween experience as we did! Can't wait til next year!
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