At Bailey's ultrasound I was convinced that she was a boy. I was a little shocked when the tech said it was a girl. "A what?" I said. I will never forget Greg's comment: "I guess you have no mothers intuition." Ha!
Knowing we were having a girl, I kindly
Somewhere between three years ago and now I have SLOWLY changed. I took Lou shopping this week while Bailey was at preschool and we came across some Christmas decorations that were 50% off. I'm sure some of you will never believe that these items got in my shopping cart, much less came home with me, and that I'm actually excited about them:

Yes, this is a pink and purple Santa with sparkles on his hat!

A bright pink pillow that says, "All is Merry & Bright"

Do your eyes deceive you? No, it's two shiny tiara tree ornaments!

And this array of sparkle will be strung together to make one awesome decoration that will hang near our fireplace! Each sparkle bulb is 6" tall. (I'll try to remember to post a pic of it once it's done).
So, what have I learned over the past three years? That God knows better than I know when He decided to give us girls instead of boys - That girls are awesome - That poofy skirts are cute - That little girls LOVE to dress up in high heels - That tiara's can finish off the perfect outfit - That pink and purple are great bedroom colors for creative little girls - And, most importantly, don't warn ask your family not to get your kids things because they take joy in getting your kids those very things!
To my family - Thank you for changing me. I love you all, and I love being the mom of all girls!
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