November is the month of Thanksgiving so I'm taking this opportunity to give thanks on each of the 30 days this month. Below are days 11-20.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 - Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Nov 11th (Veteran's Day): I'm thankful to all of the Veterans that I know and that have passed on. Thank you also to those that I will never meet. Your sacrifice has improved our lives and for that we are eternally grateful.
Nov 12th: I'm thankful for my Netti Pot. We've become good friends over the years. And, thank you, to my mom for introducing the two of us.
Nov 13th: I'm thankful for my health and being able to breathe out of my nose, especially since I don't feel good today and my nose is stopped up.
Nov 14th: I'm thankful for the elastic waste band in maternity pants. Whoever came up with that invention is a genius!
Nov 15th: I'm thankful for the amazing 75 degree weather we're having in mid November, even if I'm allergic to everything outside. :)
Nov 16th: I'm thankful that my second 3 hour glucose test of this pregnancy is over.
Nov 17th: I'm thankful that one of my best friends is a nurse. I'm positive that she went to school for the benefit of my family, and for no other reason. Thank you for putting up with all of my questions, even if I ask you the same question multiple times. You know who you are, and I love you!
Nov 18th: I'm thankful for the beautiful leaves that change color each Fall. God outdid himself on that one!
Nov 19th: I'm thankful that Greg already put up the Christmas lights on our house, and that he's agreed not to turn them on until after Thanksgiving.
Nov 20th: I'm thankful that I did NOT run the Route 66 Marathon today in 39 degree weather, but very proud of my brother for completing it!
To be continued...
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