I'm due in 13 days and I'm fairly certain that my body is preparing to give birth ... to a Semi ... not a small child. The last month, and especially the last two weeks, of carrying a baby can be tough. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant and I'm truly blessed to be able to assist God in creating this sweet little miracle, but there comes a time when you're just ready to be done.
About a week ago, I started to waddle. I must admit, my waddle is not pretty, and as much as I try to hide it, it's very obvious and unavoidable. What causes this amazing waddle, you ask? The fact that my pelvic bones are separating so that this Semi can pass through. This is not the most pleasant experience and it seems to be worse this pregnancy than with my first two. This may be too much info, but I honestly feel like I may have fractured something. I know that is not possible, but it sure feels like it! Just the simple task of sitting down and getting back up can stop me in my tracks. In addition to that bit of info, I also wake up around every hour each night to switch sides because my hips are so sore. Do you realize how hard it is to rotate this body/belly over that many times a night ... with achy hips?!
So, if you see me out and about, please excuse the slow waddle that gets me around these days and simple move to the side so that I may peacefully pass through. Thanks!
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