My Family

My Family

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Miss Parker Gave us a Little Scare

About 3 hours after Parker was born, a Nursery Nurse came to our room to check on her and she noticed that she was a little gray around her mouth. She took her to the nursery and put her on a breathing monitor which showed that her oxygen was not as high as they would like it to be. She also noticed that Parker had a heart murmur. This is not the news that we wanted to hear, but we put our faith in God and trusted that he would make her whole. Our family left shortly after this news so that Parker could be monitored and we could rest. I asked Greg to pray with me so he prayed and I cried.

That evening, the NICU doctor ordered a chest Xray and it came back to show "no abnormalities." Parker was left on the breathing monitor all night so I went to the nursery to feed her whenever it was time. The next morning (Friday), our pediatrician ordered an EKG because he also heard the heart murmur. Her breathing had improved overnight, but her oxygen level still wasn't high enough. Thankfully, she did not have to be put on actual oxygen through this ordeal so that was a very good sign. The EKG came back to show that the connection between her left and right heart valve had not completely closed. This is the news her doctor expected to hear, and he assured us that this was not a huge concern and the connection should close within the next 24 hours. So, we put our trust in her doctor and our faith in God and we waited. Her pediatrician came in the next morning (Saturday) to check on her and the heart murmur was gone! The connection had closed, her breathing was perfect, and we were cleared to go home! Praise the Lord!

Her follow up visit on Monday showed no signs of breathing issues or the heart murmur.

Thank you again to all of our friends, family, and church family that stood in faith with us through this little scare. We appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

Proverbs 3:5 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

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