We left town on Saturday morning and headed to OKC. Our first stop was the bombing Memorial, which I had not seen before even though I remember that day well. We didn't give the girls a lot of details, but they do know that something bad happened, and that we rose above the tragedy. The below pic on the left is of the reflecting pool (which is very tempting to little kids), and the pic on the right was a coed Boot camp that stopped to do push ups while carrying backpacks and an American flag. I was impressed with their dedication in the heat so I gave some of them a high five and a "good job" on my way to take the big girls to the restroom. Sometimes a little encouragement is all that we need to keep going!
Our next stop was Toby Keith's Restaurant in Bricktown. Even though there's one in Tulsa a few miles from our house, we've never been there. It only seemed fitting to drive two hours to finally see what all the fuss was about. I love the below pic of Lou, Parker, and my dad. So sweet! In the bottom pics, Parker is yelling "hi guys" to everyone eating on the other side of the wall, and Lou is doing .... well, I'm not sure what she's doing so I had to take a picture. Silly girl!
After lunch we got tickets to ride the Bricktown River Boat. Lou was petrified of the boat and got herself all worked up while waiting our turn so Greg carried her onto the boat and she quickly calmed down and LOVED it, of course! The ride was hot and sweaty, but fun. We met some new friends and two girls that were from Fayetteville, AR. We found out that they are frequent shoppers of my brother's store, The Mustache Goods & Wears. Small world ... especially since my dad and I were both wearing mustache shirts. Below is a pics of our Boat passes.
After the boat ride, we went to our hotel (the Hampton Inn in Bricktown) to check in and cool off. My parents picked the hotel since they had stayed there before. We highly recommend it if you have young kids. The pool is a lot of fun, and our rooms overlooked the baseball field.
Once we were cooled off, we headed to the outlet mall for some Tax Free Weekend shopping ... with everyone else in OKC. While pulling into the parking lot, we made a deal to drive around one time and if we couldn't find a parking spot then we would leave. Wouldn't you know, we find a front row spot right next to the mall entrance. Shopping heaven! I'd like to say that we shopped til we dropped, but in reality, we hit 3-4 key stores and then left before anyone got grumpy. It was nice!
Since it was getting later in the evening and all of the fancy restaurants were packed, we chose to hit the hotel pool and have food delivered to us. The girls LOVED the pool! I'll be honest, I kind of liked it myself!

Once the kids were water logged, we headed up to the room to eat dinner. We put on our PJ's, grabbed our food, and huddled by the windows to watch the baseball game. I must admit, it's pretty awesome to watch a game in the A/C with good food and a clean bathroom just steps away. The OKC team won 24-5. After the game, we all crashed and slept great!
On the way out of town Sunday morning, we drove past the Capital building so the girls could see it.
Then we were off to Stillwater! Once we got in town, we parked and showed the girls the campus (our old stomping grounds). I loved seeing all of the improvements to the school. Since Eskimo Joe's was packed (no cheese fries - so sad), we decided to eat at the original Hideaway Pizza and then do a little shopping next door at Chris's University. There's nothing like hitting up your Alma Mater and deeming it necessary to buy all three of your girls Hello Kitty OSU dolls. We realize that
Above is our family pic in front of the school library. Yes, I would say that was a VERY successful weekend trip. When do we go again?!
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