"...my burden is light." A burden is defined as: a load, especially a heavy one. If that's the case, then how can a burden be light? Especially a heavy burden?
Most of you followed my year of cancer prevention surgeries in 2014. If not, you can catch up by reading
here. That was a TOUGH year, and I rejoiced when it was over. However, I wasn't expecting the recovery to be so slow. I thought after 4-6 weeks from my final surgery in Nov 2014 that all would be back to normal. That wasn't the case. Healing from three major surgeries takes time. My hormones were shot. I sought council from friends who had walked my journey, and I was told to expect to feel normal one year after the final surgery. So, Nov 2015 was my target "let's feel awesome" month. You know what, that time came and went and I didn't feel awesome. My motivation to exercise and get back on a running schedule took a back burner to exhaustion. But, how can this be? It's been one year. I SHOULD be normal by now, right?!
Among healing, we were recently dealt two other heavy burdens...
In April of 2015, we found out that our dishwasher, which had been purchased brand new when we bought our house in 2012, had been leaking under our kitchen cabinets EVERY time we ran it (most weeks this was daily) and mold was growing under our cabinets. Mold was growing for THREE years. This was a heavy burden. This finding lead to a full year of fighting the manufacturer for repairs to our kitchen. This manufacturer was not concerned with our families health or that mold was found in the air in each of our girls rooms. This fight was brutal. It was more of a David vs Goliath story (1 Samuel 17:1-58), and we were not backing down. There were days that I didn't want to check my email because I knew it would shake me, and I would have to choose to continue fighting for what I knew was right or to accept the meager offers coming our way. Anxiety overload. Although we didn't share this battle publicly, I'm thankful for the army of friends and family that fought this battle with us. I'm thankful for lawyer friends who helped give us the words we needed to respond to the inconsiderate emails from the manufacturer. I'm thankful for the small businesses that came into our home for multiple air quality tests, repair quotes, more repair quotes, and the actual repairs. I'm thankful for the wisdom that came from unexpected sources. I'm thankful for perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:4). This case was finally closed in April of 2016. Yes, this month. One year from when it started. Burden.
In Sept 2015, five months after the dishwasher battle started, an old back injury reared its ugly head. In college, I injured my lower back during volleyball practice and a bulging disk pinched nerves in my back and sciatic pain was running down both of my legs. I generally feel my back "go out" a few times a year and one adjustment with a friend of ours who is a chiropractor, makes all things new (Rev 21:5). Unfortunately, I felt my back go out the day before we left for an amazing Caribbean Cruise, so the pain quickly got out of control before I could get in for an adjustment. Upon returning from vacation, I sought chiropractic care, PT care, had an MRI, and a cortisone shot. After visiting with my back surgeon again today, we're trying a second shot next week. Sitting in front of another doctor, discussing another surgery, is not my ideal place to be. Haven't I suffered enough? Hasn't my burden been carried long enough? Hasn't YOUR burden been carried long enough?
Friends, I share these burdens with you to let you know that we ALL carry the weight of the world on our shoulders at some time or another. Sometimes we're given more than one burden to carry at a time. So, how do we endure? By coming to the one who says my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:9). By coming to the one who offers healing (Luke 8:43-48). By coming to the one who offers hope (Psalm 42:11).
Life is hard. Be kind to others. Find your tribe. Find your army. Find the ones who will stand up and fight for you when you need to be still (Ex 14:14), and don't ever let them go. To my army. Thank you for carrying the burdens of my family. It's been over two years of burdens and you're still standing strong. You're still going to battle for us, and we are forever grateful. Forever. Grateful.
To our army, I leave you with these lyrics from "More Than You'll Ever Know" by Watermark...
"Something brought you to my mind today
I thought about the funny ways you make me laugh
And yet I feel like it's okay to cry with you
Something about just being with you
When I leave I feel like I've been with God
And that's the way it ought to be...
'Cause you've been more than a friend to me
You fight off my enemies
'Cause you've spoken the Truth over my life
And you'll never know what it means to me
Just to know you've been on your knees for me
Oh, you have blessed my life
More than you'll ever know
You had faith, when I had none
You prayed God would bring me a brand new song
When I didn't think I could find the strength to sing
And all the while I'm hoping that I'll
Do the kind of praying for you that you've done for me
And that's the way it ought to be...
You have carried me
You have taken upon a BURDEN that wasn't your own
And may the blessing return to you a hundred fold"