My Family

My Family

Monday, September 2, 2013

Breaking the Rules

Like most families, we have certain rules around our house. As the girls are getting older, some rules are forming for the first time as they start new activities, and some have been around much longer. Rules are designed to give us a guideline as to how we're suppose to act. They also keep us from breaking things around the house. However, sometimes those rules need to be broken. What?!

On Saturday evening, we broke a rule ... No Throwing a Ball in the House. This rule took a backseat to lots of fun and countless giggles. One of the girls even stood on the couch while she was throwing the ball. Stop the press ... we broken two rules (No Standing/Jumping on the Couch). And, you know what happened? Nothing, but tons of fun! Sure, we hit the fireplace cover twice, the fan twice, the TV once, and almost knocked a picture off the wall, but ... we had fun! And, our two oldest girls got pretty darn good at catching and throwing a ball.

And, while I'm telling on us, I'll continue with the third rule we broke ... No Playing with your Food. Everyone with small kids knows just how hard it is to keep this rule. So, why not break it with silly biscuit faces (it was breakfast for dinner night), and playing under the table. Good times all around!

So, the next time your kid(s) start to break a rule, think about how it will really affect the day. Maybe once, just once, you can break the rules too. Trust me, the giggles and memories will be worth it!

Job 8:21 - "He will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy."

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