My Family

My Family

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Lesson Can Wait

I had major surgery 4 weeks ago so I'm suppose to be resting ... which is impossible. I've heeded my doctors warning of not lifting and I sat around a lot the first 3 weeks, but since then I've slowly started doing more work around the house. Today, as I was changing the sheets on our bed, I saw my two year old sneak into her sisters room with a pacifier (aka paci) and close the door. She only uses a paci at nap time and bedtime so I knew that she had taken advantage of me being in the bedroom and she climbed onto the kitchen counter to get the paci out of the higher set of cabinets. In other words, she's in trouble!

Let me backtrack: She was doing this EXACT thing yesterday when she fell off the counter top and almost bit through her bottom lip. Lots of blood. Lots of panic (that was me). No teeth were loose. She was fine. Fives minutes later, I caught her climbing onto the counter top again. Apparently the lesson wasn't learned?!

As I headed down the hall toward her sisters room, I was irritated that she had climbed on the counter again and irritated that I wasn't watching her more closely. I opened the door, rather frustrated, to find her tucked into the bed with her face toward the wall. Instead of reprimanding her, I climbed into bed and snuggled close to her while she faced the wall ... "hiding" the paci from me. I let her enjoy sucking on the paci while I rubbed her back. I then looked at the wall by the bed and saw that her sister had colored a partial smiley face on the wall. Instead of getting mad, I smiled. This time will pass too quickly. The lesson can wait.

Ruth 4:16 - "Then Naomi took the child in her arms and cared for him."

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